Probate, Estate & Trust Administration
After someone dies, the individual’s estate goes through probate. This is a process of proving in court the validity of the decedent’s will, confirming their assets, and paying off taxes and creditors. Once completed, the executor can distribute the balance of the estate’s assets to designated beneficiaries.
Unfortunately, this process can become quite complicated depending on the size and type of assets, the number of parties involved and their relationship with one another. This is compounded by the fact that the family is mourning and under a great deal of stress.
Who starts the process? Most often, the person you named as executor will begin the process. However, if that person does not accept the role, other family members or individuals named in the will can start the process as well.
A qualified state licensed probate attorney will provide clarity and focus during this difficult time and guide you through the tedious process of identifying your needs and help outline your options. Waiting too long for a meeting such as this can only add pressure to the situation and increase the demands you may be getting from others.
Schedule a Free Consultation
McHenry County Law is here to offer guidance. We’ll give you sound legal assistance, compassionately and respectfully. Contact our office today for a free initial consultation. We’d be pleased to meet with you.